
"Springing. Somewhat Forwards . . . "

Marshall Watson and Jeffery Kilmer, for House Beautiful
(photo credit - Roger Davies)

Some days you just need to celebrate those small victories in life.  Today is just such a day.  Sing out the good news.  As of this morning, the clock in my car is right again.  Praise.

John Jacob Interiors

"The Clock"
a poem by Mother Goose

SMW Design, San Francisco
(photo credit - Nicolas Smith)

"There's a neat little clock,--
In the schoolroom it stands,--
And it points to the time
With its two little hands . . . "

Celerie Kimble, for House Beautiful
(photo credit - Don Freeman)

SMW Design, San Francisco
(photo credit - Nicolas Smith)

" . . . And may we, like the clock,
Keep a face clean and bright,
With hands ever ready
To do what is right."

Carolyne Roehm, for Veranda Magazine
(photo credit - Carolyne Roehm)

Cathy Kincaid, for House Beautiful
(photo credit - Reed Davis)
Don't be late today,

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