The New Year always feels like a big turning point for me. The whole world celebrates a New Year on January 1st, then on January 4
th I celebrate my own personal New Year - my birthday. So I always like to set an intention or a goal for the upcoming year (I feel like the word "resolution" sounds so cliche, but yes, I guess these are my New Years Resolutions.)
#1: Let my hair down more...

I mean this both literally and figuratively.
Literally - I have long wavy brown hair that can go curly or straight. My hair is one of my favorite attributes, but I often end up throwing it up in a wet bun to run off to the design center and look at fabrics. This year I want to take more time to wear my hair down.
Figuratively - I want to relax. Not sweat the small stuff.
#2: Go glam for no good reason.

Working from home I can sometimes skip hair, makeup and cute clothes and go with what's comfy. But when I look good I feel good. Superficial, but true.
#3: Cook more at home. My tummy and credit card will thank me.

And while I'm at it, eat healthier.

#4: Do the dishes more.

My husband tends to pick up the slack because I'm a dish-doing slacker, but this year I'd like to lighten his load.
#5: Be at peace.

2010 was a Debbie Downer of a year for me in some major ways. I've realized that throughout life things will come at you that can get you down, so I'm thinking that the more centered and at peace I am, the better I will weather the storm.
Hoping that 2011 will be a good year for us all!
Image #1 - Lucky Mag, Image #2 - Allure Mag, Image #3 - Williams-Sonoma, Image #4- Martha Stewart Living Mag, Image #5 - flickr, Image #6 - flickr
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